Product Code TM 1481

  • Description

    The product of yeast fermentations of barley grains is beer. The yeast usually employed in beer fermentation is one of two species of Saccharomyces. The gram-positive bacteria are generally regarded as the most hazardous beer spoilage organisms in modern breweries, especially the lactobacilli and the pediococci. Even though the detection of beer spoilage organisms by cultivation in laboratory media does not always provide the specificity and the sensitivity required, the use of selective media and incubation conditions still appear to be the method preferred by breweries. Among the media reported so far, no single medium can be used to detect all members within a group of specific beer spoilage organisms and further work on the development of improved substrates are required both for bacteria and wild yeasts. Modified NBB Agar Base is a selective medium used for the detection of contaminating/ spoilage microorganisms in beer. NBB Medium (Nachweismedium fur Bierschadliche Bacterien) was developed in Germany by Back and Dachs. This medium was later modified by Nishikawa and Kohgo to provide a less inhibitory medium for beer spoilage bacteria.

  • Principle

    for detection of contaminating spoilage micro organsims in brewery industry

  • Microorganism

    • Lactobacillus brevis
    • Pediococcus acidilactici
    • Pediococcus damnosus
  • Industry

    • Food & Beverages
  • Pack Size

    • 500 gm
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