Product Code TM 690
Campylobacter species are ubiquitous in the environment inhabiting a wide variety of ecological niches. Infection with Campylobacter species is one of the most common causes of human bacterial gastroenteritis. Most species are found in animals (cattle, swine) and cause infertility and abortion. Campylobacter species are non-fermentative and non-oxidative in their metabolism, deceiving energy from the use of amino acids. Also, they do not ferment or oxidize the usual carbohydrate substrates. Campylobacter Nitrate Broth is formulated as per APHA and is used for identification of Campylobacter species on the basis of nitrate reduction. Campylobacter jejuni is oxidase positive and reduces nitrates.
Preparation of Nitrate Test Reagents and Technique:
1. Sulphanilic acid: Dissolve 8 grams of sulphanilic acid in 1 litre 5 N acetic acid.
2. Alpha-naphthylamine reagent: Dissolve 5 grams of alpha-naphthylamine in 1 litre 5 N acetic acid. For the test:
Put 2 – 3 drops of each reagent into the tube containing culture to be tested. A distinct red or pink colour indicates nitrate reduction. A control (uninoculated) tube should also be tested.
for identi?cation of Campylobacter species by Nitrate reduction
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