Product Code TM 025

  • Description

    Antibiotic Assay media are used in the performance of antibiotic assays. Grove and Randall have elucidated those antibiotic assays and media in their comprehensive treatise on antibiotic assays. Schmidt and Moyer have reported the use of antibiotic assay medium for the liquid formulation used in the performance of antibiotic assay. This media is prepared according to USP and by FDA. This medium is as per specification of Krishbaum and Arett.
    Freshly prepared plates should be used for antibiotic assays. Test organisms are inoculated in sterile seed agar precooled to 40-45?C and spread evenly over the surface of solidified base agar.

  • Principle

    for microbiological assay of Amphotericin B, Netamycin & Nystatin using Saccharomyces cerevisiae

  • Microorganism

    • Saccharomyces cerevisiae
  • Industry

    • Pharmaceutical
  • Pack Size

    • 500 gm
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